ENIVID's first event in almost four years! And.... it didn't go as planned.
When I first saw the post saying vendors were needed for a market, I was immediately excited and terrified. I hadn't done a vendor event since my first year doing Enivid, and it was with my church. This would be my first event in an entirely cold market.
After much thought and consideration and encouragement, I signed up to be a vendor. Then it was time to start planning.
I procrastinated a lot 😅
The night before the event comes, and I'm ironing all my display items, printing pricing info, and trying to figure out how in the world to accept card payments because my card reader is ancient. Finally, everything is prepped and sorted, and I climb into bed. It's after 2am.
I blink myself awake the next morning and it's 6:47am! My alarm didn't go off, but it's okay. I still have time. Both of my kids are snuggled in my bed with me, sound asleep. I slide quietly out of bed and start getting ready. Fast forward, and it's almost 9am, and I'm piling clothing into the car and frantically running back and forth making sure I don't forget anything. I drop my son off at my sister's house, and my other sister, my boobie buddy (my daughter), and I hurry on down the road.
An hour later, we're winding around in circles trying to find parking. The streets are full of cars and construction and closed roads. One way streets mock us at every turn. There are lots of women wearing plaid and big hats. All the parking lots only accept cash. I have about ten million quarters. Finally, we find a spot, and lo! We made it!
It's almost 11am, and the event kicks off at 12pm. We hustle inside and set up.
Here's where things didn't go as planned-- aside from the rushing and getting lost and driving in circles and running behind schedule-- the area the event was held in became a ghost town. A Christmas parade was raging on just outside the open doors as all the vendors and myself set up our wares, hopeful for the day. Then, the parade ended, the crowd dispersed, and no one was left. Tick Tock. It was 12 o'clock.
People trickled through over the next three hours, but nary a sale was made. The live music was fantastic, the mood was festive, the scenery and decor were holiday perfection. But the parade had stolen our thunder. It left us all thunderless.
At the end of the day, I had given out about ten stickers, five flyers, and made exactly $1. Yet, I was happy. Not content, not pleased, but proud. I had made it out. I did an event, gotten myself out there, showed myself that I can do it. With a toddler on my hip, no less. So although I didn't become a millionaire or sell fifty dresses like I would've hoped, I broke through the invisible barrier holding me back.
Next time, I'll be ready. And the people will come. The marathon continues. It was a beautiful event full of inspiring craftsmen and business owners I hope to see again. I learned some lessons to take with me into the next events to come.
"It's not a waste of time if you enjoyed it and learned something." And I did.